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城市探险(通常简称为urbex或UE)就是勘探那些平时看不见或被禁止进入的城市地区或工业设施。城市探险也通常被称为“渗透”,尽管有些人认为“渗透”应该指的是“探索里头有人的,或者正在运作的场所”。城市探险也被叫做“钻沟” (探索下水道) “城市窟窿探险” ,“城市地洞寻宝”或“建筑黑客入侵” 。
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图片注释:探索霍巴特的地下,塔斯马尼亚州 (译注:霍巴特是澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚州首府hl(}|]~和港口)
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在巴黎、罗马和那不勒斯发现的地下墓穴,受到了城市探险家们的调查。巴黎地底下埋的那些乱七八糟的玩意,其中大部分的地下隧道,比如地下墓穴,它们不向公众开放旅游,由于其内涵丰富的特性和悠久历史,已被一些人认为是城市探险里的“圣杯”。探险这些地方的人一般被称为“探墓者”或“掘尘者”。 (译注:这俩单词是音译法语,所以法语和英语词典里都没有!我尽力了。如果还是错了,你去把维击百科的作者杀掉好了。)
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这个探索分支,是探索一些现役的,或者被遗弃的地下交通隧道与地下铁路隧道、竖井和车站。这些活动往往被视为非法,并可能导致民事起诉(要是涉及了有关具体行为的法律,如一些铁路的法律,还可能变成刑事案件)。因此,这种类型的探险很少公开宣传。不过也有一个重要的例外,它被公开宣传了,那就是被遗弃的罗彻斯特地铁。罗彻斯特,是美国唯一具有一套使用后又被遗弃的地铁系统的城市。 (辛辛那提的地铁设施也是被遗弃了,不过它是个未完工程,这跟罗彻斯特不同。)尽管探索交通隧道的爱好者世界各地都有,但大部分往往集中居住在一些城市附近,比如纽约,多伦多,伦敦,悉尼,莫斯科[nG!S%G`5,还有许多其它世界各地的大城市。
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大学和其他大型机构,如医院,往往需要从中央供热厂,给其他建筑物的暖气或者高压灭菌器分配蒸汽。这些高压蒸汽管道一般都从公用隧道里穿过,基本上只有进行维护的时候才能接近它们。很多这类蒸汽隧道,如大学校园里的,也往往有着遭到学生“勘探”的传统。这一度被称为“麻省理工大冒险”,但现在学生们把它称为“屋顶和隧道里的黑客”。(译注: vadding at MIT,我翻译成“麻省理工大冒险”,vadding这个词是麻省理工学院的学生自造的,源于当年流行于他们中间的一个电脑游戏《大冒险(ADVENT)》,他们为了防止游戏被网管删除,给文件夹改了个名字叫“ADV”,后来被发现了,又改成“VAD”,最后迷恋这个游戏的行为就被叫做vadding。由于《大冒险》游戏讲的都是些钻地洞的情节,所以那些探索学校地下隧道的活动也被叫做vadding了。至于《大冒险》游戏,是个DOS上的文字+简单插图的游戏,有部电影演过它,目前网上很难找到,属于古董了。)  
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蒸汽隧道的保安措施近年来已变得更加严密,这是由于现在蒸汽隧道里含有一些主干互联网线,而且可能被恐怖活7nk0. T1"OH6r^U动利用,所以为了安全和责任,要加强保卫。  
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城市探险活动的人气上升,应当归功于媒体增加的关注。最近的电视节目,如探索频道的“城市探险”, MTV的“恐惧”,和大西洋超自然协会的“捉鬼敢死队”,把这个活动包装成了一种流行看点。关于城市探险的会谈和展览,已经出现在第5和第6届“行星地球大会”上的“黑客大会”里,并且配发了许多报刊文章和采访报道。由于日益重视,这一爱好的人气日益上涨;同时,也已经有越来越多的人开始讨论:额外的关注,在宏观上是否有利于城市探险的发展。
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城市探险,是包含一些固有危险的一种爱好。雨水渠的主要设计目的,可不是让人去钻的。它们会因为暴雨突@tVm(ch8jw q?UWR_然发大水,还会含有有害空气。已经有不少人被冲跑或者熏死,但这些人通常是死在外面发洪水的时候,而且他们进下水道的目的一般也不是为了城市探险,是因为别的什么原因。
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在澳大利亚, “悉尼洞窟氏族”的网站,被新南威尔士州道路交通管理局的律师9K64[dkV:'S封掉了,因为他们担心此门户网站可能“危及人身安全,并威胁到了交通管理局的基础设施。” 另一个“班戈探索者协会”的网站,则遭到缅因州的警察批评,认为其潜在的鼓励了“可能会导致人受伤或死亡”的行为。同样,多伦多交通委员会还利用互联网,来抑制地铁隧道探索行为,甚至还派遣调查人员去各种探险者的家里。
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杰夫-查普曼撰写的《渗透》指出,真正的城市探险者“从来没有毁坏,窃取或破坏任何东西。(译注:谷歌又翻译出来一句!奇迹!)”探险的乐趣,应该来自于“发现,和一些漂亮的照片。 ”有一些探险家,也会在进去之前先申请相关部门的许可。
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Ninjalicious (2005). Access All Areas: A user's guide to the art of urban exploration. PO Box 13, Station E, Toronto, ON M6H 4E1 Canada: Infilpress. ISBN 0-9737787-0-9
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Paiva, Troy (2008) Night Vision: The Art of Urban Exploration Chronicle Books ISBN 0-811-86338-7
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Paiva, Troy (2003) Lost America: The Abandoned Roadside West Chronicle Books ISBN 0-760-31490-X
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Wand, Eku and Arnold, Dietmar (2001). CD-ROM: Berlin im Untergrund - Eine interaktive Zeitreise unter den Potsdamer Platz. eku interactive e.K., Berlin/Bad Homburg, Germany. ISBN 3-935709-02-1
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Mielzarjewicz, Marc (2008). Lost Places - Schoenheit des Verfalls. Mitteldeutscher Verlag, Germany. ISBN 978-3-89812-575-8
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Deyo, L.B. and Leibowitz, David Lefty. Invisible Frontier: Exploring the tunnels, ruins & rooftops of hidden New York. Three Rivers Press. ISBN 0-609-80931-8
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Solis, Julia. New York Underground: The Anatomy of a City. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-95013-9
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The Urban Adventure Handbook. Ten Speed Press.
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O'Brien, Matthew (Author) and Mollohan, Danny (Photographer) (2007). Beneath the Neon: Life and Death in the Tunnels of Las Vegas. Huntington Press. ISBN 0-929-71239-0
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The following two photography books by Chilean-born, New York–based photographer and documenter Camilo José Vergara are not explicitly about urban exploration, but Mr. Vergara uses many of the same techniques as urban explorers to gain access to the abandoned buildings which he photographs to document their decay.
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Camilo José Vergara. American Ruins. Monacelli. ISBN 1-58093-056-5
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Camilo José Vergara. The New American Ghetto. Rutgers University Press. ISBN 0-8135-2331-1
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Urban explorers (termed creepers) and their culture are at the core of the thriller Creepers by author David Morrell.
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Steven Hall. The Raw Shark Texts. Canongate. ISBN 978-1841959115: here the author writes widely about an exploration of unspace: a name used in the book to refer to all of the hidden places in cities usually explored by the urban spelunkers.
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F. Paul Wilson's second Repairman Jack novel Legacies includes references to urban exploration.
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David Tribby (2009) Gary Indiana | A City's Ruins. A photographic study of Gary Indiana's historic architecture.
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5100: A Canadian Urban Exploration magazine focusing mainly on Western Canada.
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The Cave Clan Magazine: Australian draining magazine.
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Explonation: World Wide PDF urban exploration magazine.
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Jinx: United States urban exploration magazine.
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Section61: The UKs First and Only Urban Exploration magazine.
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Infiltration Toronto based urban exploration magazine.
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Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker (1979).
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Luc Besson's Subway (1985).
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In the 1986 horror film Breeders a group of urban explorers are responsible for disturbing the alien spores and beginning the monster attacks.
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Doom Asylum (1987) - A demented coroner inhabits an abandoned lunatic asylum. When several teenagers trespass on his property, he proceeds to kill them off one by one. Filmed on location at the since-demolished Essex Mountain Sanitorium in New Jersey.
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Pray for Rain's After..., (2006) a supernatural thriller about three urban explorers who get more than they bargain for when they set out to explore the secret world beneath Moscow. It was released in October 2007 by First Look Studios.
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In the film Silent Hill (2006), the town of Silent Hill has been abandoned due to a prolonged mine fire, which director Christophe Gans says was inspired by Centralia, Pennsylvania.
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Red Scream Films' Prison of the Psychotic Damned, (2006) the world's first exploitation style UE film.
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Christopher Smith's Creep (2004).
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The horror film Candyman features the heroine exploring tunnels that connect various rooms in some of Chicago's abandoned Cabrini Green tenements.
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The horror film Session 9 was shot almost entirely in the abandoned Danvers State Insane Asylum in Danvers, MA
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Death Tunnel (2005) was filmed in the abandoned Waverly Hills Sanatorium located in Louisville, Kentucky.
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Dark Days (2000). A Documentary about an area and a group of people living in the subway of New York.
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电影短|CNph^`uZ W片和纪录片
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David L. Cunningham's documentary short, which documents a research trip he and screenwriter Kevin Miller made in preparation for writing After..., a supernatural UE thriller about three urban explorers who get more than what they bargain for when they set out to explore the vast secret world under Moscow.
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Melody Gilbert's Urban Explorers: Into the Darkness (2007), a documentary about some of the world's urban explorers.
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Robert Fantinatto's Echoes of Forgotten Places (2005), a visual essay on the allure of abandoned buildings and industrial relics.
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Grant Patten's Exploring Spaces: A Documentary Moment (2006), an investigative short that depicts five film students exploring the abandoned Inglis Factory in Toronto's Liberty Village. Patten's short The Degrees of Difference (2006) also involves UE - it depicts an exploration of the abandoned Symes Transfer Station in Toronto, among other places.
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A 2004 episode of CSI (Down the Drain) involved a person supposedly killed while draining.
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A 2005 episode of Supernatural, Asylum, was filmed in an abandoned sanitarium and features two thrill seeking urban explorers.
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The Discovery Channel filmed and aired a five episode series with the title Urban Explorers.[6] The 5 episodes are Buffalo, Chicago, Denver, Milwaukee, and Pittsburgh.
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A 2006 episode of CSI:Miami (Free Fall) involved two urban explorers taking artifacts from an abandoned hotel.
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There is a series on The History Channel, titled Cities of the Underworld, where the host explores various tunnels and crypts.
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An episode of Law and Order: Criminal Intent (Wrongful Life) sees Goren and Eames sorting through the torrid affairs of a group of urban explorers to catch one of their killers.
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A series on G4TV titled G4 Underground recently did an episode about Urban Spelunking where they joined an Urban Spelunker in his journeys throughout abandoned sites in New York City.
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inFamous (2009)
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重复m/J;h?wOiwn 5Y一遍,认为上面那篇翻译完全正确者,可能将有生命危险!
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